Sunday, September 25, 2005

The jungle at night

There is always so much thrill in sneeking out at night
as we tip toe out first and then make a wild run into
the darkness, giggling, panting through the river,
over the muddy hills till we drop down at our favourite spot.

Beatle is five years old (which is equivalent to being in your
mid teens by beatle standards), I am barely ten even by my
own standards and Gif is somewhere in between though we
are all amazed at how fast her neck is growing and mostly
think that it has something to do with her love for grass and heights.
There are others who join us somtimes - Griz who writes these
wonderful poems, and Goldskin who doesnt understand why anyone
would prefer staying out of water, sometimes I come alone but its
just not the same without them.

Today was particularly wonderful as we argued about who has
the biggest backside and I still think the answer is obvious.
After a game of 'stumble', we argued about who has the
longest yawn-which was easy again, whoever has the longest
neck has the longest yawn and we were all so grateful
for having been taught logic at school. Next we pretended
Beat was cracking funny jokes and very soon
he had us cracking up for real . The stars winked
at us with their million eyes and we winked
back till our eyes tired, a few moments of blissful
nothingness and soon we fell into a sound slumber.


Blogger Ducking Giraffe said...

Hey thats cute, hey, can we have a race next time? Am sure I'll win, but still I can be a sport and coem last if you guys will just play with me... :)

Sun Sep 25, 11:36:00 PM PDT  

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