Sunday, September 25, 2005

Mista mouse and me...

Right now, exactly right now, as am typing this I have a mouse, a real one at that, gnawing at my sandals... Are you wondering why am not throwing my feet up in the air and jumping about screaming and doing the usual girlie stuff? Well, all that happened the first time, but since then its fun to have a cool friend at my work place! I just got him a biscuit from the cafetaria below, taking care not to overfeed him, fat volume has never appealed to me! But somehow he seems to find mt sandals more delicious to gnaw at. Or perhaps, he is just licking a word of thanks there.
I came pretty close to touching him ;) and feeling his little, greyish-brownish coat of fur. But all that knowledge of plague comes in the way. I wish I could, maybe just take him up in my palm and look into his eyes and play blink-blink again. Blink-blink you ask? hey thats a cute game, you must try it with your pet too! How its done is, you draw his attention first and then say 'Hi there, say, whats up?' and then follow it with a blink and again a blink. (Hence the name blink-blink) Then he'd mostly reply in his own way... and hey! follow it with blink and a blink again! There you are, all set for the game. You can now carry on your conversation and end each time with a blink-blink and he does the same too. One of these days you ought to drop by and watch us play this blink-blink game, he does it so cutely with those tiny eyelids of his that goes blink-blink each time. Oh yeah, maybe am quite crazy about my pet mouse!
Oh how he fears those pest control guys, they come around with their whacko cleaners and decide to rid me of my fun at work. But my pets too clever for them. Pssst, Lemme tell you a secret, he mostly hides in this unused jar of chips on my desk. Hehehe. They can never look for a mouse in my jar of chips. He gets bored of me once in a while and then I need to put in some work too ;). So I shoo him off and he runs to another desk. Bah, desks are mostly full of boring people, who scream and yell and jump about and complain about hygiene and the lack of it in our work places! Disgusting right?
Hey, you know what? Going by the latest fashions, am planning to dye my mouse's fur coat. What about ebony black? Or maybe golden, just like a blonde :) lets see how I get that worked out. I did ask him about it and he seemed really thoughtful about his looks after the dyeing. I think he'll look just swell. I do, so badly want to put this little satin bow around his neck and take his formal snap and all that. But my pet's camera shy, like he's this big-shot celebrity and all that :) hehehe...
A name... a name is what I've been trying to find for my mouse. Nothing seems just right :(. Right now its just mista mouse... Now, can you help me there?


Blogger Ducking Giraffe said...

cordially inviting Mista Mouse
Simple Ray for tea, Wednesday
the 27th of Sept and a subsequent
dye your hair party !

Sun Sep 25, 11:53:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Ducking Giraffe said...

- Thanks Derek, am checking out your site!

- Thanks Dee, We are coming to your party, mista mouse seems damn kicked about it, he did a full circle before me the moment i told him about it!

Mon Sep 26, 12:28:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Kumari said...

wat u need is a word verification to shoo away all these comment spammers. Change ur blogger settings :)

Tue Sep 27, 08:39:00 PM PDT  

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