Thursday, January 05, 2006

Aloo-Peas Pulao

Potatoes were peeled and chopped, this and a handful of peas were boiled for a while, tossed with little spices and friend onions. Then cooking oil was heated in a pan, jeera left to splutter for a while after which the cooked rice was added and tossed and fried around before the spicey potatoes and peas went in there. Everything was tossed around for some more time, its like people left to make introductions to each other and mix well with each other and then came salt and those green leaves that give nice smell, what do u call them? Another 2 minutes later, Aloo-Peas Pulao was ready, then filled into the pink lunch box, which now lies forgotten over the breakfast table and all that yummy Aloo-Peas Pulao rotting inside it when it should be getting all eaten at Gif's lunch table right now. Sob, sob...


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