Wednesday, February 01, 2006

To, PrincessDuck, Tea break, 5th May 2004, Amphitheatre!

Dear Duck,

If you try very hard and remember clearly, maybe you will recall a dying desire of mine to paint the sky red and the town blue. If you donot recall, well, hell, then I may or may not have ever told you about this particular dying desire of mine. So it is that I want, very badly, to paint the sky red and the town blue.

And yesterday afternoon at about the time I usually have my lunch, Beats gave me this shot of a quality which ensures I will never be the same again. Well, hell, he gave me this shot. Go through it after you have read my letter, cause there will be so much to ponder after this shot that you might not want to return to my letter after that. Off course I must add my statutory warning of a deep depression happening ever since the shot. Well, hell, so am giving you the shot too!

Why did I never do big things? Why have I been never a part of the big picture? Why have I not captured the moment with my beauty(bah!) or my brains(boo!) or my talents(bah, bah bah!) or maybe even a passion(booooo!)? Why oh why? I have gone into this deep depression and am doubly sure I will never be the same again. Am just a mediocre giraffe with usual big black scars on all the yellow patch that covers me. Am incapable of ever making a dream come true, because I donot even have a dream and worse still, am not dreaming ever after this cause I wont even sleep after this! Well, hell, I think I might need some treatment to come outta this shot.... help!!!

Hmm, so there are the colours for you. My horizon is a gory red, symbolizing an end and the town, am painting it blue with all my sob stories and depression tales. Well, hell, I might catch you too after the shot in a bloody blue!

With love,


Blogger Kumari said...

Is everything okay in the jungle? There seem to be an undying wave of blues all around...

Thu Feb 02, 05:53:00 AM PST  
Blogger OtherHalf said...

Dear Gif,
The letter was addressed to Ducky and so what business did prying eyes have here? But err...Excuse me I just had to trundle on forbidden grounds
I am in a blue blue mood as i write this so maybe we can see one hundred shades of true blue at the end of it. Or maybe not!
Sunny yellow patches contrasting with jet black would never have a place for blues of any sorts in their life, or so I thought and had to re-read the letter to make sure that it was Dear Gif who had written it. Ah, but now that the boohs and baahs have found their way to plain white paper, the sombre shades may give way to a bright orange flame residing within thy self and erupt as bright cheery, myriad shades


Thu Feb 02, 08:31:00 AM PST  
Blogger Kumari said...

i Finally installed Acrobat ver7.0 and read the whole thing and guess what came up?
We have exactly 3 more years to get into it :D

So let's start work on it :)

Psst: Not a attempt at mixing yellows n oranges to blues :)

Thu Feb 02, 10:16:00 AM PST  

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