Monday, January 16, 2006

The same tune

It was the hour when the yellow clouds shifted to allow a purple, full-round, rippled moon flooding across the little pond's heart. Gif hummed the same tune, paused for breath and then the Duck took over. Duck had that usual far, very, very faraway look in her eyes as she hummed the song and they, the eyes seemed dried, bone dry of tears, happy and sad ones. She said it was her numb mood. And as she paused at that high note for a deep breath, Gif took over from that very note, like she awaited Duck to stop. But when Gif hummed the same song, the same tune, it seemed to ooze a mood of silly giggles, crazy dance steps, whacky costumes and mirth. Even while they hummed that same tune they seemed to be in that moody kind of conversation they often fell into in their second meetings.

What seemed crazy to me was that while they alternately hummed that tune that moonlit night, Gif sat on a banana boat along the Coramandel coast while Duck sat in hers at the LA coast.


Blogger Ducking Giraffe said...

nice post Giffy reminded of the Sabbath song Kumsie had posted ....anyways to bed is where i'm off to:P

Mon Jan 16, 03:24:00 AM PST  
Blogger Kumari said...

And did you realise that Griz was singing the same tune , while lying on her magic sofa? After you and Duck went to sleep? :)

Mon Jan 16, 07:23:00 AM PST  

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