He, the one whose birthday it is
'So, you planning to bake a cake?', asked Sue.
'Hahaha, and eat it all by myself?', Joe asked back sarcastically.
'Wouldn't he like a cake baked on his birthday?', Sue didn't care but still asked.
'He would.', Joe dreamt of that last birthday together.
'Then why dont you?', Sue persisted.
'Bake a Cake?', Joe was not listening I suppose.
'Aha?', Sue liked Joe's cakes at times.
'What's the use?', Joe looked faaaaaaraway.
'You, him.... and me, we could have a little feast!?', Sue ensured her share.
'Him?', asked Joe, of whom I wonder.
'Him yeah...', Sue thinking for the first time there's something wrong with Joe.
'.... He's not here.', Joe replied.
'But I... ', started Sue, and then realised all of a sudden that he was not him.