Friday, July 21, 2006

New Freckles

Sweetest Mary Anne
With a face like a pan
Loved and loved dearly too
One whom we know as Tan

But sad Mary Anne
Fought like a man
To forget her love
When loved another, our Tan

And today Mary Anne
Girlfriend and much loved by a Ivan
Hears of her old love
A heart-broken and shatterred Tan

Anxious Mary Anne
Cannot help her mind or her hand
As she sends to Tan an email
Consoling, exciting all at one

Self-stabbed Mary Anne
Sat on the lap of another man
Hoping for a reply someday
From her old flame Tan


Blogger Kumari said...

Old flames die not :)
Lovely verse tho it shows the cruel hand of fate.

Fri Jul 21, 09:14:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesomely said ...almost real

Sat Jul 22, 02:26:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Ducking Giraffe said...

Old flames die if extinguished in bitter tears!
There is no end if there is no bitter end...

Sun Jul 23, 09:35:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Kumari said...

Bitter end, yes, that's true. But in this age, i've seen more forced ends that make those flames burn brighter making lives bitter :(

which is why i like the poem so much :D

Mon Jul 24, 06:34:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am thinking if of it more like these a dim flame that just stays forever..and we just pray that the candles are doing ok..plz ignore my blabbering

Mon Jul 24, 02:14:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Ducking Giraffe said...

Duck, u can blabber as much as you want :) as long as you let me blabber too :))
Griz, I've been analysing breakups around me(yeah am jobless at times :P) and i think half the breakups are not really forced by parents/home though thats what is said. Eg :
"He thinks is she worth hurting my mom!!?? I say, wth dude, have u never done anything to hurt mom!?"
"She thinks papa will have an heart attack if i tell him abt him, also, this dude will want to live at his mom's home all his life, wth forget it...."
All these kids dont have the guts to say the truth to the other partner and say 'i can't do this to my parents' deep down into teh relationship...

Tue Jul 25, 10:52:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahem ! its time I protested ! thats not true! atleast not always ! No one really knows the truth now , not even u Giffy. But I do agree that the decision is made on more complicated reasons than just parents or whatevr. Surely saying my parents will not agree is a quick and easy way of getting out of the relationship . Doesnt mean that is always the case!

Thu Jul 27, 10:19:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh by the way that was me

Thu Jul 27, 10:19:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Ducking Giraffe said...

Well d, i didn't say that was the case all the time, am just saying it is the case half of the times :) I know some really gutless fools into this trade ;)...

Thu Jul 27, 09:28:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Kumari said...

Yeah, it is all about guts and fights. But some fights are not that easy or that simple. Not all kids hav the mindset where they put themselves b4 everything else and choose their partner over their family. Some jus give in to pressure. Not bcoz they're weak but bcoz they'll break down if they didnt.

N life is never easy after that. it's a decision that wll haunt for as long as the body breathes.

Fri Jul 28, 05:24:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Ducking Giraffe said...

Yeah you are right, some have an everlasting guilt... but some just dont take it that seriously...
Ok, I guess we have different examples in mind all the time we voice our opinions :)
What I mean is not all those who have breakups are as heart broken as the rest...

Sun Jul 30, 10:05:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good for them ...those who just walk away without the heart break.

Sat Aug 05, 02:14:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Ducking Giraffe said...

Gosh there is so much more to explain D, actually lets just forget abt it!

Mon Aug 07, 12:28:00 AM PDT  
Blogger OtherHalf said...

If you love someone so much, forget about letting them go and all that old sayings tell you. If you love someone so steadfastly, you would just be willing to do just about anything for him/her. I may sound over dramatic but that really is the truth. Parents, neighbour's son's dog's opinion and all of that are just mere entities and it really does not matter.
Nothing else matters!!
I am an over sentimental, emotional fool today and I just choose to babble.
Gif I just loved the verse sad as it may have been. Do I have a thing for melancholy?

Fri Sep 08, 03:26:00 PM PDT  

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