Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Whats he doing?

What do you think he is doing?
Waking up each morning,
bright and well-slept,
brushing his teeth and a certain gnawing feeling,
gobbling quickly his 2 slices of bread, a banana
and coffee with a blank in a corner of his brain,
rushing to work and maybe.. out of that pain,
working out all those reports and data
and charts and a crazy heart beat,
making all those various phone calls and sometimes
wondering why he can't make that old one,
treading slowly back to home,
to his lonely higtmare of a home,
picking up a book on the way,
thankful, they were not ending too,
reading a cheerful line from a neighbours book
in the subway and smiling faintly hoping,
things will fall back to smooth pattern again
in his derailed life,
thinking books were meant to be read and consumed
and relationships were meant to be lived and enjoyed,
and that neither of them lasted forever,
day dreaming to music for the first time in his life and
pulling out of the trance quickly,
back to preparations for quizes and
lists of places to be travelled to,
Yes, he thought, life was to be lived,
sometimes in memory and sometimes in present.


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