Thursday, November 23, 2006


Before I start I should say that this is to my very dear friend-
the one whose been there through so much joy and so much sorrow
and has stayed on like a rock. The one who shares with me this passion
for verse and love.

It is you who gives color to
an otherwise mundane walk home
or that tragic goodbye note to
A lover.

It is you who
Clears that lump in my throat
when people and things rise from the heart
and choke me.

You who appears in one expression-
One thought and a moment of revelation.
Without you I would have long merged
into the blue of solitude -
So ready with its fangs and
kisses that
bruise me each night.

You burn when I burn
Through you I become the o's and the i's
On the lips of those now
Far Away.


Blogger Roopa said...

Nice! something that I can easily relate to..

Fri Jan 05, 05:24:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your words lather me with richness. Soaked in, like silk.

I sigh.

Tue May 01, 09:26:00 PM PDT  

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