Thursday, April 27, 2006

Charged with murder.

I am a monster, a big one at that, bigger than any can ever be imagined. How big do you think a monster should be, one that would first wash away your home and when you continued to persist in life, tried to scrap away your home and when all else failed, broke down your home with that ugly fist and dug your little ones out, crushed them to death and swept their remains and that of the home that once was into the garbage bin? Quite big and ugly huh!?

Well, thats how big and ugly I am, for I tried to desuade a silly wasp from building its five-roomed mansion on my bathroom window sill by flushing it repeatedly with water. But he was here to live. So he built his mansion, Rome wasn't built in a day and so wasn't his mansion. It took him 5 days, those 5 days that I went to live with my mom in her home! When I come back I find the mansion up and the wasp hovering every once in 10 minutes with bits of food in its mouth for the members inside. Ouch, so he had kids in there as well. I tried to sweep them away from my window sill, but the mansion had firm foundations.

Then in the bath the other day when the wasp came hovering by me, dangerously up-close, I decided it was time for some action. I shut the wasp out and then armed with sticks and twigs I broke down the mansion and crushed it down, crushing the little ones inside as well. It was a ugly, gory, pukey mess! But it was soon over. The mess was cleaned out and the silly was clean again, without a mud home sticking out. The wasp did come back and still often does come back. Wasps are sentimental things and thankfully not vengeful... But then again if he was vengeful, what can he do? And me the monster... I feel yucky and guilty of murder, charge me oh Wasp...!


I played God,
Named you Sun.
Days and nights
Around you spun.

Heard you not?

The scent of dead
Butterflies bring
Bleeding winds.

Smell you not?

Eclipsed, amiss
And farther yet
Should you orbit
A different star.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Losing Battle

Fought I but many battles,
Not all with sword and metal.
I fought for possession,
By resistance
Through denial
Maybe forgiveness.
All is forgotten.
Not for the King's cause,
More for survival
Yet, in some -
I stand defeated,
Forever and ever.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Over a mine

No man sought this quiet,
Yet here were are -
You and me,
One to kill,
One still, waiting.

Let me sleep walk through
My memories, and lay beside the choicest one.
Then, when breath recedes
Leaves blur this being,
Set you off to set me free.

-Inspired by the film No Man's Land.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Fashion show...

We had a fashion show alongside the jungle creep and here are a few photos taken from the party!

Yuhoo... many, many more!!

Suzy got off the treadmill to come up with this _ Wild O' jungle treat!
And Griz comes up with a killer one-piece!
While Dollar is trying to come up with one too! Hey Dollar, y dont you walk our ramps with one of these, you could take your pick!