Thursday, November 23, 2006


Before I start I should say that this is to my very dear friend-
the one whose been there through so much joy and so much sorrow
and has stayed on like a rock. The one who shares with me this passion
for verse and love.

It is you who gives color to
an otherwise mundane walk home
or that tragic goodbye note to
A lover.

It is you who
Clears that lump in my throat
when people and things rise from the heart
and choke me.

You who appears in one expression-
One thought and a moment of revelation.
Without you I would have long merged
into the blue of solitude -
So ready with its fangs and
kisses that
bruise me each night.

You burn when I burn
Through you I become the o's and the i's
On the lips of those now
Far Away.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Two poems

Loose ended Conversations

A pause much like a full stop

Swings to touch the comma,

A few dots and a frantic search

For the eraser

Too late though.

The beginning of the verse

Has crawled out of the page.

It’s best to just sign anonymous

Than cause this heart breaking

Traffic jam.


You who seems to know a sigh from a smile

You who means nothing to me

Yet greets most graciously

You with a tall walk -

Humor me!