Some more...
Princess Dee has run away, Griz has gone into her writers workshop and Suzy's on the treadmill! While I came up with these _
IV. Pink Tushy - A stuffed toy resembling a dholak! Made of pink velvet and very comfortable under the neck while on a drive/flight, under my arm while reading agatha christies, under my head while taking that quick nap, etc etc.
V. Jacket - Very Male and Female. While men can wear this to add that much needed jazz to kurta or white stiff shirts for a fun evening, women can don this over an off shoulder top, flowing blue skirt and a straw hat go great together too! But it has to be in Satin.
VI. Bag-Shorts - Do you see a bag? I see a pair of Shorts, a very comfy one for the summers! However, if you want it to be a bag, just stitch close the openings where the legs go in...
VII. SkirtTop - A pink sleek item number! Use it as an off-shoulder top! Use it as a blouse with that white or light pink lucknowi saree! Use it as a skirt! Or just use it a hair band! Hehehe...